Privacy Policy
Acceptable Use Policy


We provide XingZhi for our users to learn and practise XingZhi-Appreciation Education. By using XingZhi, you agree to this Acceptable Use Policy, which sets out the rules of good behaviour applicable to your use of XingZhi.

Should you have any questions about this XingZhi Acceptable Use Policy, please contact us at

Any terms used in this XingZhi Acceptable Use Policy will have the same meaning as the equivalent defined terms in our XingZhi Terms of Service, unless the context requires otherwise.


You agree not to engage in any of the following prohibited activities on or in relation to XingZhi, or allow any person to use your account with us to do the same:

  • impersonate any person or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity in registering an account (including by creating a misrepresentative account name or accessing another user’s account) or in making any communications or sharing or publishing any content or information using XingZhi;
  • selecting an account name in a way that infringes any third party’s intellectual property rights or other rights;
  • submitting content not in good faith;
  • submit, upload, transmit or display, through XingZhi, any content (whether displayed publicly or not, and whether displayed directly or indirectly to any other users) which in fact or in our reasonable opinion:
    • breaches any laws or regulations (or may result in a breach of any laws or regulations when used in a manner permitted by the XingZhi Terms of Service);
    • creates a risk of loss or damage to any person or property;
    • is fraudulent, false, misleading or deceptive;
    • harms or exploits any person (whether adult or minor) in any way, including via bullying, harassment or threats of violence;
    • is hateful, harassing, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, defamatory, humiliating to other people (publicly or otherwise), threatening, profane or otherwise objectionable;
    • promotes or encourages self-harming;
    • infringes our rights or any third party’s rights, including any intellectual property rights, contractual rights, confidentiality rights or privacy rights;
    • is pornographic, sexually explicit, violent or otherwise of a mature nature; or
    • encourages or is likely to encourage any of the above;
    • violate any applicable laws or regulations, including credit card fraud or bank account fraud;
    • engage in any illegal or potentially illegal (as determined by us) activities or transactions, including sale of any illicit drugs or money laundering;
    • gamble, provide gambling information or entice others to engage in gambling through any method;
    • use or exploit any of our intellectual property rights (including our trademarks, brand name, logo, any other of our proprietary information or the layout or design of any page), or otherwise infringe on any of our intellectual property rights (including attempting to reverse engineer any applications or software used to access XingZhi);
    • access any of XingZhi, collect or process any content made available through XingZhi, send or redirect any communications through XingZhi, in each case, through the use of any automated bots, software, engines, crawlers, scrapers, data mining tools or the like, or attempt to do any of the foregoing;
    • engage in any “framing,” “mirroring,” or other techniques directed at simulating the appearance or function of XingZhi;
    • interfere with, or attempt to interfere with, any user’s or any other party’s access to XingZhi;
    • intentionally distribute viruses, worms, Trojan horses, corrupted files or other malicious code or items;
    • share or publish any other person’s personally identifiable information using XingZhi without their express consent;
    • probe or test the vulnerability of, or otherwise circumvent (or attempt to circumvent) any security features on, XingZhi, our systems or the systems of other users;
    • decompile, reverse compile or reverse engineer any of XingZhi Software, or seek to do any of the foregoing, except to the extent that applicable laws and regulations do not allow us to prevent you from doing this;
    • create multiple accounts for disruptive or abusive purposes;
    • engage in any other activity that encourages any person or entity to breach the XingZhi Terms of Service (including this XingZhi Acceptable Use Policy); or
    • use XingZhi in any manner or for any purpose which breaches the XingZhi Terms of Service (including this XingZhi Acceptable Use Policy).


You may not, nor may you permit any other person to (except where we expressly permit you to do so):

  • sub-license, rent, lease or sell XingZhi Software;
  • use XingZhi Software to gain unauthorised access to any system, account or data;
  • directly or indirectly charge others for use or access to XingZhi Software;
  • directly or indirectly suggest our support or endorsement of any product, service or content (including any personal web site);
  • make XingZhi Software publicly available or available on any network for copying, download or use by any person or persons;
  • remove, obscure or modify any copyright, trade mark or other proprietary rights notice, marks or indications found in or on XingZhi Software and its XingZhi contents;
  • misrepresent the source or ownership of XingZhi Software;
  • copy, reproduce, adapt, modify, translate or create derivate works from XingZhi Software, lend, hire, rent, perform, sub-license, make available to the public, broadcast, distribute, transmit or otherwise use any Licensed Item in whole or in part, or attempt to do any of the foregoing;
  • attempt to disrupt or interfere with XingZhi Software including manipulating the legitimate operation of XingZhi Software;
  • use cheats, exploits, automation software or any unauthorised third party software designed to modify or interfere with XingZhi Software;
  • disrupt or overburden any computer or server used to offer or support XingZhi Software, or other users’ use of XingZhi Software; or
  • develop any plug-ins, external components, compatibles or interconnection elements or other technology that inter-operate with XingZhi Software, except where we expressly permit you to do so via XingZhi Software (and where this is the case, your use of such XingZhi Software may be subject to additional terms and conditions as notified by us to you).

Please note that there may be technological measures in XingZhi Software that are designed to prevent unlicensed or unauthorised use of XingZhi Software or use of XingZhi Software in breach of this XingZhi Acceptable Use Policy. You agree that we may use these measures and that you will not seek to disable or circumvent them in any way.


You may not register for or use XingZhi if:

  • you have been convicted of any child abuse offence or sex offence;
  • you are less than 13 years of age; or
  • we have previously terminated your account and advised you that you may no longer use XingZhi or any of our other services.